At your First Appointment you may expect the following:
- Review Orientation
- Go over Labor Market Information (LMI) for chosen occupation
- Review Documentation including but not limited to: the Local Demand List, Regional Demand List, Eligible Training Provider List, Informational Interview Form, Training Provider Interview Form, Training Provider Acceptance Letter and Financial Aid Documentation
- Schedule appointment for Second Session
- At your Second Appointment you may expect the following if all of the First Appointment assignments are completed and correct:
- Justification for training (Training Plan) written and reviewed
- Individual Training Award (ITA) written, reviewed and signed by you
- Instructed to have ITA signed by the training provider
- Given a deadline for return of signed ITA
- If your assignments are not completed or incorrect, your ITA Counselor will:
- Review documentation and provide guidance for completing it
- Schedule appointment for Third Session to complete the Training Plan and ITA (as outlined in the Second Appointment) Funding assistance is contingent on the continued availability of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds and is not guaranteed.
- Once you return the signed ITA to your ITA Specialist, he/she will submit your completed folder to the Dutchess One Stop Career Center Administrator for the final two levels of approval. Please be aware your funding assistance request is not considered approved until the ITA has ALL FOUR signatures. You will be contacted either by phone or mail when your funding request has been approved.